An important step has recently been taken with the creation of the partnership between SICAP. SA and the Italian consortium TECFORALL srl as part of the project to install an EPS panel production unit for the construction of various buildings in Senegal.

The long phase of negotiation and planning for a good execution of this project has been achieved with the establishment of a Senegalese company called “SISOL.SA”.

SISOL.SA wants to give to the people of Senegal, the possibility of building safe houses in a short time, offering comfort and energy efficiency. The main mission is to make it easier to provide houses of average level to families with social costs, with speed, comfort and in accordance with the political guidelines of the Emerging Senegal Plan (PSE), both for SICAP.SA and for all the other real estate developers in Senegal

This project will guarantee an increase in employment and and we intend to establish a partnership with the Thiès Polytechnic School (EPT). The main aim is to initially engage 2 students of Civil and Electromechanical Engineering in three training courses, train them in Italy and then recruit them in the Technical Area at the beginning of production.

The quality of the panels is ISO 9001 certified and controlled by third parties, which is synonymous of a better finish and therefore of a better aesthetics, but also greater durability.

Work on the site is easier and faster, reducing delays caused by weather conditions; construction times are reduced and allow the customer to have a quick economic return on his investment.

In this time, when natural resources and energy sources are becoming increasingly scarce, EMMEDUE panels (M2) offer many perspectives because it uses a sustainable material that respects the environment, people and economy. Moreover, without any particular maintenance, they offer excellent resistance to the duration of time.

In this perspective, the establishment of SISOL and the installation of the production plant will allow SICAP, in the first place, and then other construction companies to finish very quickly all the projects that are dear to the authorities of the country.The project requires the union of all the forces and the decisive support of the Board of Directors and shareholders to enable us to push SISOL into the orbit of success and make this newborn the flagship of the industrialization of the West African real estate sector .SISOL will also give confidence to other investors by giving them the opportunity to build with advanced technology, in a timely and economical manner. The company will cooperate with central and local administrations in order to absorb the estimated housing deficit of over 300,000 units.




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